Agricultural Robot

Project Contributors:

  • Dr. M. Sfakiotakis
  • Dr. J. Fasoulas
  • Dr. M. Kavousanos
  • C. Chrysoulakis
  • G. Alexakis


Funding Source / Acknowledgements:

Partially supported by the Emblematic Action of the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Agro4Crete (Protocol Number: SAE 013, Operational Program: SAE 013), and by internal funding from the Hellenic Mediterranean University.

Project Brief

Aegagros-I is a rugged, all-terrain mobile robot developed at CSRL, which is primarily aimed as a robotic platform for outdoor agricultural tasks, such as crop monitoring, plant phenotyping, and pesticide application. The robot features four wheel-independent drive using 4 x 250W motors, and a center-pivot passive averaging suspension with shock absorbers, while a 2-dof (pan/tilt) robotic arm allows for mounting and directing a variety of payload equipment. The main central processor is an Nvidia TX2 unit running ROS, with peripheral functions allocated to a number of microcontrollers. The robot can be either manually tele-operated or navigate autonomously using a sensor suite comprised of GNSS/RTK, 3d Lidar and stereo cameras.

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